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'Ghost' captured on camera walking through woods in Australia

A ghost chasing group in Australia has released footage which seems to show a strange apparition moving through trees like a human.

The video, which was originally uploaded to the group's Facebook page, was shot late at night outside an alleged haunted house in Australia.

Toowoomba Ghost Chasers point out the the white figure seems to be moving between the trees in the Queensland region, before vanishing and resurfacing at different periods.

The spooky clip was sent to the Australian ghostbusters by locals who wish to remain anonymous, just in case their street is turned into a "circus" by people wanting to see the spook for themselves.

Filmed around six years ago, the footage has since been viewed by a professional photographer to try and debunk it or come up with a rational explanation, but, according to the ghost hunters, no explanation could be given.

Although the Toowoomba Ghost Chasers are sure the video shows some kind of paranormal activity, their Facebook fans remain unsure. Some commenters said the figure looks like fog on the road, while another said it's a great video. Watch the creepy video here:

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