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Ghost and its ‘pet’ caught on camera in shocking footage

Ghost and its ‘pet’ caught on camera in shocking footage

Ghost and its ‘pet’ caught on camera in shocking footage

Joey Nolan and his wife were shocked to find what appeared to be a human-like spirit walking around their Long Island, New York, home, along with a smaller, animal-like “pet” of some sort. The pair, who checked their home security footage after learning their cat was sick, immediately shared the strange clip with friends and family, which went viral after posting it on YouTube.

To make things even more eerie, just weeks earlier both Nolan and his wife had the exact same dream about a dog, only to have the apparition show up on camera shortly after. “I said to her that maybe the spirit of a dog hopped into bed with us the night we had the dreams,” Nolan shared, “Initially I tried to play it off as a cobweb, flies, dust…but the actual steps the ‘figure’ takes in the kitchen is strange.”

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