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Ghoulish figure caught on camera

Ghoulish figure ‘with white beard’ caught on camera on haunted island

THIS is the spooky moment a ghoulish man with a "white beard" was caught on camera on a haunted island.

Ghost hunters in Ireland unearthed the creepy image taken on Inchagoill island in County Galway while flicking through old footage of their paranormal expeditions.

© PSI Ireland

Ireland's Paranormal Supernatural Investigations group investigate paranormal and supernatural activity at buildings and locations across the country.

Inchagoill island was once home to Paganism before it became an early Christian settlement in 500AD.

It is reportedly connected to Saint Patrick and his nephew Lugnad, who built a church together on the island.

The chilling image, taken on the night before Halloween, appears to show a figure on the right side of the picture appearing to hide behind some trees.

The paranormal probers said they believe the paranormal shape is the side profile of a man with a white beard.

They said a similar image of a man with a long beard was snapped in the doorway of the church on the haunted island in April.

A post on the group's Facebook page said: "We decided to carry out an experiment by carrying out an investigation on the night of the 30th October instead of the 31st.

"As we believe the night of the 30th of October is the correct night of Halloween as it carries into the 31st."

It added: "We wanted to do this as we were here back in April where we believed we captured an image of a man with a long beard in the morning at the Old Church looking out from the doorway.

"The connection with the Island which was once home to Paganism and Halloween was a very good reason for us to go back here.

“From a paranormal perspective this would have been an excellent night to carry out a paranormal investigation as we believe the residual energy that would be there would be at its strongest.

"We came across this picture on the 26th of December as we had so much photos and video footage to go through. We believe it is a side profile of a man with a white beard."

The group's followers weighed in with their own guesses at what was in the image.

One said: "l don't recall any on your team with a long white beard or a nose quite like that can see every feature on the other face clearly and the other face behind them not so friendly looking."

But another wrote: “Kind of resembles a pit bull."

The ghost hunters use an array of equipment to capture any strange activity, including magnetic energy meters, infrared cameras, light sensors, and voice recorders.

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